Our group was tasked with designing an application which would allow visitors to Western Sydney University campuses to explore the other campuses without having to relocate physically. It encompassed the use of Matterport API, and was required to support multiple screens to follow a tour guide or explore a virtual space.
The solution used primarily nodeJS to handle REST API, alongside peerJS to transfer data between the screens. For our front-end development we produced our application in vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS. We had efficiently used Github to ensure version control of the project and implemented workflows as a team using its functionalities.
The team was able to produce almost all of the required functionalities requested by the client such as synchronizing tour guide and follow screens as well as However, there were a few limitations with the smoothness of the Matterport transitions and commands. Regardless of this, the client was still considerately satisfied with our work. To conclude, we believe that this project was a beneficial product which can support the needs of future prospective students who want to see what campus is like.